Ways To Be
9 ways to be Happy and Make Something of your life
Gordon B. Hinckley
1. Be Grateful
\many people have been very ungrateful in their entire life. maybe is because they don't get the attention they have for themselves or anyone. being grateful and kind is a big part of giving back to to the people letting them know that everyone in this world cares. being very respectful, kind, enthusiastic, caring, loving, sharing etc. all these types of behavior to people will give them the respect and of being grateful to each other. not all people are grateful for what they have in life. they are just lonely, depressed and needs someone to cheer them up for once. we need nice and good people, so this world wont be fulled with ungrateful people.
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
The way this would apply to me is being grateful for my family, everything that has been given to me from people.
2. Be Smart
In order to be a smart person you have to behave in a good manner, listen really good to the teachers, also anything that most be important. there is a lot of different ways of being smart you just have to find those things. people don't realize how smart they are until they actually do something good, or just find what they're smart at. this means many people could be smart but some don't want to be or just end up being hateful to each other. you need to be smart and intelligent in this world many things are happening, not many people have the knowledge of what's going on. Therefore being a very smart person can help you with everything that happens in school or jobs, just out there in the real world. this is why its important to learn a lot from school, jobs etc. there's a lot of smart people out there and you just have to be one of them or try to beat them.
"Intelligence is important, being smart matters, paying wise matters, but what matters being is humble and yourself."
the way how this applies to me is that being smart can mean a lot of things but what really matters is educating yourself and try to beat others.
3.Be Involved in Good Works
being involved in good works can help you with a lot, good jobs, environments, having a great behavior and just being positive. many people do not want to be involved good things or activities, not a lot of people take that advantage and to be a good work person. this could be involved in sports as well, it is easy to be involved in good works. something that will help you figure out, fun times or just being a very respectful person in the office, living a good life. there is many things to be involved in, if there wasn't good works how else would you act, respond, respect, or behave. no one wants negativity it just brings bad vibes, ugly behavior, also bad mood. having integrity in good works, do what is right, even in tough situations.
"To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act."
4. Be Clean
being clean could mean in every different way. like saying not doing any drugs because that makes me a dirty looking person. you want to stay clean from your health and body. being a clean friend also refers to not being a mean person or acting dirty or disrespectful. this could also mean you are clean to god and your religion as well. many people that are religious can be very honest with each other and especially god. not using bad language to other people, having amount respect, learning how to be clean it's a process. some people may not be used to it, they find other ways to become clean. having a clean matter of sports, this could count as being clean, playing fair, playing by the rules, learning how to play. There is a lot of choices to be clean you just have to find that type of action and experience of how it works. then other people would look at you and say "wow you are a clean good person." It would always stick to you no matter what.

"I am responsible for the quality of love and happiness in my life"
5. Be True
To be true you have to tell the truth to everyone and not be truthful about it. be true to your family, friends, love ones. and being a respectful person, telling the truth even though it's a bad choice you made, or a bad things you have done. or something good you had made in your life choice, how did you treat one of your friends, did you behave good in class, didn't get into any fights, or sad any bad language to the teacher. telling the truth could help you without being nervous or speechless. takes out emotions and makes you a more honest person. not being truthful can cause you more anger or make you a bad person, say that doesn't care about nothing in life and just treats others wrong and tells lies. there is a lot of people that don't say the truth, maybe they're shy or embarrassed about themselves. others don't mind about telling the truth they just love to be honest and want to be a better person.
"Have the guts to be true to yourself.
nothing more."
6. Be Positive
being positive is to do behave good with your parents and other citizens. you need to be in a positive attitude at all times, choosing the right, complement others while they complement you back. making people smile and laugh with them, then everyone could be in a positive mood. having a good time. playing with your cousins, nephews, brothers or sisters. any one could be in a positive attitude in school, having to talk to friends, studying together, and having fun with them. if behaving bad and talking back to people how are you going to have friends or be apart of something. that's why being positive with people can help you be friends with other people also have good relationships with them. being positive can take a while to get used to, many don't want to be positive but its very important.
"When everything feels like an uphill struggle; Just think of the view from the top."
7. Be Humble
to be humble you have to get out of your comfort zone and be bold or brave say what you want to say, be yourself, show some of your talents. try to be friendly with other people be humble with them family as well, be proud of what you have. with your friends you could be very outgoing and just have fun in life with it. many people are humble in this world about what they want to know, what they want to learn, learn some good advice, and many more great opportunities. being polite to people, having self-respect, and just be gently with one another. just encourage yourself, encourage others to be humble as well. try to be very modest of how you do things, don't be too confident but do it well. that's what I think humble means from my perspective.
"Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self given. Be careful."
8. Still
to be still you have to be patient and take a lot of things with precaution. mostly take things with care, treat others with respect. take everything slow and try to calm down there's no need to rush things, that's how people get hurt or make mistakes. if your going fast on everything you might make some bad decisions in life or soon. to be still with god and everyone around you. sometimes you got to meditate in some points in your life. breathing exercises and stretches, take a couple yoga classes or breathing classes as well. life is very short and hard sometimes but its not good to over do things you have certain limits and make sure to use them wisely.
"Don't ever try to get inside my head it's too dark for you."
9. Be Prayerful
I think Gordon B. Hinckley has made an accomplishment about his 9 ways of being successful, but this particular one the last 9 way to be happy is mostly important than the other ones and different about it. praying is important if you are religious you might know how to pray already, and if your don't know how you could learn or tell your parents about it. having faith in god and angels around you, might have a good sense of having a good long life. also praying helps you go through tough times, you need to talk to some one about it. pray about being educated, being healthy, living longer, pray for your family, and to have good luck as well. a lot of people don't believe in god. that's okay it there is many people out there that are like that. my own personal statement about this, I have some faith and do believe in god, or there's points where I say i don't. different reality checks. but mostly i believe in commitment and to confidence I believe i have that ability to do anything. just always have fun and don't let anyone judge you, you came into this world to accomplish something, mostly goals.
The 9 Ways concluding words by Gordon B. Hinckley
"There they are, nine Be's which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any young man or woman. they will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. they will save you from heartache and pain.
they will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies. they will bring your friends of your own kind. they will protect you from associations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course.
This is time to be happy. this is a time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What I have tried to put forth....are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell that certain kinds of things will bring you happiness - things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your baser desires.
If today you find yourself only drifting as a leaf in a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better.
At railroad grade crossings, signs of warning were once common. Two cross arms were emblazoned with the words, "Stop, Look, Listen." They meant that a train could be roaring down the tracks and you had better be alert.
I was riding a train in the Midwest years ago. I looked out the window to my left. A road ran parallel to the tracks. A car with a boy and a girl was speeding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moved ahead until I can no longer see it. Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded and the train screeched to a halt as the brakes gripped the wheels. We looked out the window on to the other side. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and girl were both dead. The road they were traveling crossed the tracks. they did not stop, look, or listen. It all happened in an instant.
The better way to Be is the way of these nine Be's
The years will inevitably pass, and quickly. Today is your day of resolution. Promise yourself to make something good of (your) precious life."