Pyramid of Success
Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."
Reflection: I think this quote is correct. the meaning to everything it is saying building a Pyramid as an example can help you build new strategies to life and on work experience where ever you go. with this you can perform better at work having to build your way up will be challenging but at the end it will be worth it, everything will be. with Enthusiasm you'll always acknowledge the things you've done.
Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires joint effort."
Reflection: This quote means that being in a friendship relationship there is some respect and allowing them to respect you as well. friendship take a lot of time to earn and to be with that person that will always put in effort in the friendship circle. people realize it when some one does not treat you right even though you know that they are your friend. and now they know to trust some one else that respects you at all times same as you respect them and what they do.
Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."
Reflection: Loyalty is the best thing that describes your-self respect, always depending on yourself to others. Like say if the person you really like or just a great friend you want to be loyal and not disrespect their ideas or what they do and say. Also that person needs to depend on you about what they say or tell you and you should know to respect it. a lot of people should be loyal to each other it would make this a better world and with better friends. I think that's how everyone should be, and not disrespect each other violently.
Block 5: Coorperation
"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way."
Reflection: I think this means that with having all coorperation in your life can help you be better with other people and how they work with you as well. being interested of finding new ways of making friends and also to work with them finding new levels of making stuff better. listen to other people's advice and make your own to teach others, also having good learning and listening skills to understand, so that way you get the concept about what's new or what's happening now in the real world etc.
Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations. Be determine and persisted."
Reflection: I think achieving a goal that you want to complete and achieve you have to be on it 100%. not making excuses about anything just reaching that goal and being able to determine it. be constant with the time and effort you have and make the best out of it. give the passion to that goal, have full excitement towards it. always be persistent about the intentness, have the decision to reach the best thing in your life. if you like doing it don't stop just keep doing it and make it to where no one can catch you up. be competitive about what you do for a living, you'll have the wisdom to over come it.
Block 11: Sincerity
"Keeps friends"
Reflection: This is really important because the way you act and the way you talk to people, this shows how much of a person you are to them like if you are a bad disrespectful person they probably won't like the way you are to them and won't talk to you. But if you get to talk to them in a nice personal way they'll definitely talk to you and want to be friends with you. Being Sincerity is the number one key with having friends and mostly learning how to talk to one another. Be honest, be fair with them, also the equality with being with them no matter what color or race you have to treat them respectfully and the way you want to be treated.
Block 12: Adaptability
To any situation
Reflection: I think what this word means is to adapt to anything that you love and that passion. almost like a hobby something that makes you special at what you do. also it can be very important of what you have to adapt. I would adapt to skateboarding because I've been doing it since I was a little young boy. I also love dirt biking, the things i adapt to are the things that are my passion and that i could always remember how to do it and how to cherish it. it won't be impossible something always has to go your way it has to be possible and if it's not you keep on trying until you can't anymore, your whole life is dependent on it.
Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."
Reflection: The condition you have to be is to be very healthy, stay healthy most of all. that is very important to your body and your brain, also to be moderate and to practice a lot with being patient when it comes to the mind and brain. all the negative things in your brain do not think about it can mess up your thinking strategy and you can't really think straight.
Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."
Reflection: Having skills and learning about them might not be easy at first to get. many people end up getting it faster than others because they have that skill to learn faster and better than others around them. A knowledge to learn quickly and fast. being prepared to do anything that satisfies you in a way to do it again and again. I mean everyone has a skill but there is certain things they use it for. some can be for learning quickly, reading, writing, running, skating, dirt biking, basketball, football, and etc. might not be easy to start but working your way up there and getting that skill it will become easier and easier to do.
Block 15: Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interest of glory for the welfare of all"
Reflection: I think this quote is very important having a team spirit will help your team out same with a group of people that like to be up there on top and that also like to be known as the best. also having a team spirit will help the team motivate them and as well as you as a person. also dealing with problems and finding out solutions you have to find out many things about your team and let them know not to fail. in order to compete with others you have to work together and find out ways to win.
Block 17: Resourcefulness
Proper Judgement
Reflection: using proper judgement can help you out with making friends and having good people complimenting you back. many people have bad judgement towards others. they just want to act tough and think their cool. making good judgement of others can be very kind and caring of you, they just want to know what you think about how they dress or how you speak, and how you think. there is a lot of hatred in this world but there's only a small good amount people that know how to be judge-mental in a nice respectful way. I usually compliment people but because sometime i know or they know they are being good and respectful to me and if your not then you need to learn how to be and to talk to me.
Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation." Graceful and elegant bearing in a person.
Reflection: I think many people are themselves but just many have a bad attitude and others may have a good attitude and be judgeful about it. be grateful about being here in this world alive, it can't be a perfect world but someone may try to live it and they can make it a perfect life. I tend to rely on myself and mostly try not to think about others point of view. I don't like to get involved unless it's necessary. I'm on to a lot of things in my life and how to live it, I try to live it good and try to take risks, also to have fun. But I'm grateful for everything that I have but I don't really mind if I'm not perfect as others.
Block 19: Confidence
"Respect without fear. May from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective."
Reflection: Having confidence and being the best player in a sport or anything you will learn to have confidence in your self. you will defeat anyone with having confidence and you will always be winning no matter what. not having to doubt your self for any reason. you will become the best by doing that. knowing how to win and how to have confidence in your self you will have a positive mind attitude mentally. Also having confidence in school, jobs, working, anything you want to be you will make it with confidence.
Block 20: Reliability
" Creates respect"
Reflection: Having reliability can help you respect others in many ways. Also having reliability can help you create social people around you where you go and just have a talk with them. a nice respectful conversation. also being confident of learning the respect of others can help you out as well. saying like you have a friend that introduced you to another friend, and you decide you want to talk to him and meet him. after you show each other respect when you guys meet and start conversing with each other. and that's how you create respect as an example.
Block 21: Fight
Determine effort
Reflection: having to have a fight for something you have to put effort in it, always have confidence in your self no matter what and also to win of course. it could be boxing, it can be motocross, football, soccer, even education everything is competitive and everyone wants to fight for first place to be on the top, to be the best in that sport or in that level skill of everything. you can't be afraid to fight sometimes you have to step up and show them what you got, let them know your not afraid of nothing, show them you got the talent and that you can actually do it and fight. fight for first place, fight to make your dream happen, fight for success.
Block 22: Competitive Greatness
"Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
Reflection: To be best at what you are to enjoy the challenges you get and to over come them. be the best at your sport that you are good at, also to achieve that goal. being confident of what you do and what your actions are. be responsible with your goal and try not to fail. be humble with it and compete with other people so they won't beat you to it. you have to be able to commit and not back down for nothing. always have a positive attitude of what you are doing.
Block 23: Integrity
Purity of intention
Reflection: The thing about Integrity you have to do what is right, even in tough situations. like having to be in a sports team and contribute to the team and play right. also to make the right choices always being positive about playing or educating you and others. to learn to be responsible for your actions and to just do the right thing. paying attention to what you need to learn, having to deal with problems on your own, not having to fall down and take a fall without action. living life with integrity will help you and around others to become good citizens and to learn from each others mistakes.
Block 24: Faith
"Believe and Achieve"
Reflection: I think this quote means about believing in everything you do in life and to be sure about it. also believing in god, you have to have faith in something that means to you a lot. like having to fight for a job position or having to deal with problems at home, preparing for something that might come good into your life but you just have to believe and have total faith in it. mostly having a good mental mind set will help you gain faith and against everything you do in your daily life. have faith in god, he will save certain types of problems in your life, you just have to change the way you are to people and to yourself. also making promises to prove that you can better yourself in many ways.
Block 25: Patience
Good things take time
Reflection: I think this is a great quote, what I want to say is how great this is, Patience is the key to wait for good things to happen in your life. everyone will get their chance as long as you believe and acquire those goals. A lot of good things happen to you if you are struggling in life, maybe god will give a helping hand, it is a miracle when stuff like that happens and it has happened before with all types of different people. As long as you live a healthy life, good things will come your way. sometimes you might need that important thing for now but what if you need it later perhaps an emergency. Then you wait, patience is what you want to achieve better and be able to do your best.
Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires joint effort."
Reflection: This quote means that being in a friendship relationship there is some respect and allowing them to respect you as well. friendship take a lot of time to earn and to be with that person that will always put in effort in the friendship circle. people realize it when some one does not treat you right even though you know that they are your friend. and now they know to trust some one else that respects you at all times same as you respect them and what they do.
Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."
Reflection: Loyalty is the best thing that describes your-self respect, always depending on yourself to others. Like say if the person you really like or just a great friend you want to be loyal and not disrespect their ideas or what they do and say. Also that person needs to depend on you about what they say or tell you and you should know to respect it. a lot of people should be loyal to each other it would make this a better world and with better friends. I think that's how everyone should be, and not disrespect each other violently.
Block 5: Coorperation
"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way."
Reflection: I think this means that with having all coorperation in your life can help you be better with other people and how they work with you as well. being interested of finding new ways of making friends and also to work with them finding new levels of making stuff better. listen to other people's advice and make your own to teach others, also having good learning and listening skills to understand, so that way you get the concept about what's new or what's happening now in the real world etc.
Block 6: Ambition
For noble goals "Achievement results from work realizing ambition."
Reflection: Having the ambition to work your way up there where you want to be the best, competing with others that are trying to take your spot, you need to have the ambition to beat them and make them feel that your the best and that no one can touch you. you need to have that mind set of having to win and practice. without ambition you will never be the best, you want achieve that goal that you want, it's better to work hard, make the best results and you'll feel the pain and you will gain from that ambition that payed off.
Block 7: Self- Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good Judgement and common sense are essential."
Reflection: Being self controlled is hard for a lot of people to handle and do. many are so stressed out about a lot of things and end up losing control. Some others don't have self-discipline with others there behaviors might change or there attitude as well. Practicing good judgement will help you become a better person and you'll absolutely make more friends. The more you practice behaving better and you'll start to see results in no time. hanging around good people as well can help you be a better person you learn from them and you'll change the way you are as a person to an even greater person.
Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve"
Reflection: to be alert you have to be careful about some things be conscious aware. Make sure you are doing the right things, trying not to make any mistakes at work or mostly at anything you do in your daily life. Be eager about what you wanna do and to improve those mistakes you've done in the past. It's important to keep your goals on track and know what to do, be confident, be responsible and be creative.
Block 9: Initiative
"cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
reflection: I think Initiative means that making the decisions by yourself and to think alone will give you a high confidence level of being active and responsible about things. Also knowing your standards about what you are doing. Don't be afraid of failure and just go for it, anything you want to do in life you have the right to be whatever you want find your passion and accomplish that goal. Making mistakes will help you proceed, also learn more about what you did wrong. have that courage to go out there and do it again, not a lot people the the chance to do it or practice it. Keep yourself out of trouble, make good/smart decisions and be competitive with other people that want to steal your spot.
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good Judgement and common sense are essential."
Reflection: Being self controlled is hard for a lot of people to handle and do. many are so stressed out about a lot of things and end up losing control. Some others don't have self-discipline with others there behaviors might change or there attitude as well. Practicing good judgement will help you become a better person and you'll absolutely make more friends. The more you practice behaving better and you'll start to see results in no time. hanging around good people as well can help you be a better person you learn from them and you'll change the way you are as a person to an even greater person.
Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve"
Reflection: to be alert you have to be careful about some things be conscious aware. Make sure you are doing the right things, trying not to make any mistakes at work or mostly at anything you do in your daily life. Be eager about what you wanna do and to improve those mistakes you've done in the past. It's important to keep your goals on track and know what to do, be confident, be responsible and be creative.
Block 9: Initiative
"cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
reflection: I think Initiative means that making the decisions by yourself and to think alone will give you a high confidence level of being active and responsible about things. Also knowing your standards about what you are doing. Don't be afraid of failure and just go for it, anything you want to do in life you have the right to be whatever you want find your passion and accomplish that goal. Making mistakes will help you proceed, also learn more about what you did wrong. have that courage to go out there and do it again, not a lot people the the chance to do it or practice it. Keep yourself out of trouble, make good/smart decisions and be competitive with other people that want to steal your spot.

"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations. Be determine and persisted."
Reflection: I think achieving a goal that you want to complete and achieve you have to be on it 100%. not making excuses about anything just reaching that goal and being able to determine it. be constant with the time and effort you have and make the best out of it. give the passion to that goal, have full excitement towards it. always be persistent about the intentness, have the decision to reach the best thing in your life. if you like doing it don't stop just keep doing it and make it to where no one can catch you up. be competitive about what you do for a living, you'll have the wisdom to over come it.
Block 11: Sincerity
"Keeps friends"
Reflection: This is really important because the way you act and the way you talk to people, this shows how much of a person you are to them like if you are a bad disrespectful person they probably won't like the way you are to them and won't talk to you. But if you get to talk to them in a nice personal way they'll definitely talk to you and want to be friends with you. Being Sincerity is the number one key with having friends and mostly learning how to talk to one another. Be honest, be fair with them, also the equality with being with them no matter what color or race you have to treat them respectfully and the way you want to be treated.
Block 12: Adaptability
To any situation
Reflection: I think what this word means is to adapt to anything that you love and that passion. almost like a hobby something that makes you special at what you do. also it can be very important of what you have to adapt. I would adapt to skateboarding because I've been doing it since I was a little young boy. I also love dirt biking, the things i adapt to are the things that are my passion and that i could always remember how to do it and how to cherish it. it won't be impossible something always has to go your way it has to be possible and if it's not you keep on trying until you can't anymore, your whole life is dependent on it.
Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."
Reflection: The condition you have to be is to be very healthy, stay healthy most of all. that is very important to your body and your brain, also to be moderate and to practice a lot with being patient when it comes to the mind and brain. all the negative things in your brain do not think about it can mess up your thinking strategy and you can't really think straight.

Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."
Reflection: Having skills and learning about them might not be easy at first to get. many people end up getting it faster than others because they have that skill to learn faster and better than others around them. A knowledge to learn quickly and fast. being prepared to do anything that satisfies you in a way to do it again and again. I mean everyone has a skill but there is certain things they use it for. some can be for learning quickly, reading, writing, running, skating, dirt biking, basketball, football, and etc. might not be easy to start but working your way up there and getting that skill it will become easier and easier to do.
Block 15: Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interest of glory for the welfare of all"
Reflection: I think this quote is very important having a team spirit will help your team out same with a group of people that like to be up there on top and that also like to be known as the best. also having a team spirit will help the team motivate them and as well as you as a person. also dealing with problems and finding out solutions you have to find out many things about your team and let them know not to fail. in order to compete with others you have to work together and find out ways to win.
Block 17: Resourcefulness
Proper Judgement
Reflection: using proper judgement can help you out with making friends and having good people complimenting you back. many people have bad judgement towards others. they just want to act tough and think their cool. making good judgement of others can be very kind and caring of you, they just want to know what you think about how they dress or how you speak, and how you think. there is a lot of hatred in this world but there's only a small good amount people that know how to be judge-mental in a nice respectful way. I usually compliment people but because sometime i know or they know they are being good and respectful to me and if your not then you need to learn how to be and to talk to me.
Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation." Graceful and elegant bearing in a person.
Reflection: I think many people are themselves but just many have a bad attitude and others may have a good attitude and be judgeful about it. be grateful about being here in this world alive, it can't be a perfect world but someone may try to live it and they can make it a perfect life. I tend to rely on myself and mostly try not to think about others point of view. I don't like to get involved unless it's necessary. I'm on to a lot of things in my life and how to live it, I try to live it good and try to take risks, also to have fun. But I'm grateful for everything that I have but I don't really mind if I'm not perfect as others.
Block 19: Confidence
"Respect without fear. May from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective."
Reflection: Having confidence and being the best player in a sport or anything you will learn to have confidence in your self. you will defeat anyone with having confidence and you will always be winning no matter what. not having to doubt your self for any reason. you will become the best by doing that. knowing how to win and how to have confidence in your self you will have a positive mind attitude mentally. Also having confidence in school, jobs, working, anything you want to be you will make it with confidence.
Block 20: Reliability
" Creates respect"
Reflection: Having reliability can help you respect others in many ways. Also having reliability can help you create social people around you where you go and just have a talk with them. a nice respectful conversation. also being confident of learning the respect of others can help you out as well. saying like you have a friend that introduced you to another friend, and you decide you want to talk to him and meet him. after you show each other respect when you guys meet and start conversing with each other. and that's how you create respect as an example.
Block 21: Fight
Determine effort
Reflection: having to have a fight for something you have to put effort in it, always have confidence in your self no matter what and also to win of course. it could be boxing, it can be motocross, football, soccer, even education everything is competitive and everyone wants to fight for first place to be on the top, to be the best in that sport or in that level skill of everything. you can't be afraid to fight sometimes you have to step up and show them what you got, let them know your not afraid of nothing, show them you got the talent and that you can actually do it and fight. fight for first place, fight to make your dream happen, fight for success.
Block 22: Competitive Greatness
"Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
Reflection: To be best at what you are to enjoy the challenges you get and to over come them. be the best at your sport that you are good at, also to achieve that goal. being confident of what you do and what your actions are. be responsible with your goal and try not to fail. be humble with it and compete with other people so they won't beat you to it. you have to be able to commit and not back down for nothing. always have a positive attitude of what you are doing.
Block 23: Integrity
Purity of intention
Reflection: The thing about Integrity you have to do what is right, even in tough situations. like having to be in a sports team and contribute to the team and play right. also to make the right choices always being positive about playing or educating you and others. to learn to be responsible for your actions and to just do the right thing. paying attention to what you need to learn, having to deal with problems on your own, not having to fall down and take a fall without action. living life with integrity will help you and around others to become good citizens and to learn from each others mistakes.
Block 24: Faith
"Believe and Achieve"
Reflection: I think this quote means about believing in everything you do in life and to be sure about it. also believing in god, you have to have faith in something that means to you a lot. like having to fight for a job position or having to deal with problems at home, preparing for something that might come good into your life but you just have to believe and have total faith in it. mostly having a good mental mind set will help you gain faith and against everything you do in your daily life. have faith in god, he will save certain types of problems in your life, you just have to change the way you are to people and to yourself. also making promises to prove that you can better yourself in many ways.
Block 25: Patience
Good things take time
Reflection: I think this is a great quote, what I want to say is how great this is, Patience is the key to wait for good things to happen in your life. everyone will get their chance as long as you believe and acquire those goals. A lot of good things happen to you if you are struggling in life, maybe god will give a helping hand, it is a miracle when stuff like that happens and it has happened before with all types of different people. As long as you live a healthy life, good things will come your way. sometimes you might need that important thing for now but what if you need it later perhaps an emergency. Then you wait, patience is what you want to achieve better and be able to do your best.
Pyramid of Success Final Reflection
All of these final blocks can specifically help you analyze different stuff in your life that you need top accomplish and make an effort at it. Also setting goals in the future so you can make your life easier as you grow up. The final blocks will benefit forever and whenever you need it. How I apply these blocks into my life I read them and I go back of what I did wrong or a mistake. I fix it because of reading my blocks and relating them into my life problems. One of the blocks that really helped me out is having Confidence and Faith in myself because I know I can do better and having faith with that I can believe more. I think other people should read about the blocks and having to think why is this important to be apart to your life. it can show you better and to be a grateful person.
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